Yesterday, I was reminded of a small bit of movie trivia that set my brain racing and then made me connect some dots. For no reason whatsoever, other than the fact that you are Outposters and sharing is caring, this is what I was reminded of. The fictional country where
Mann To Make First Sci-Fi
Historical epics, crime thriller, even some trippy horror, but one genre Michael Mann has yet to tackle is sci-fi. The director of Heat, The Insider, The Last of the Mohicans, and the studio butchered The Keep has now confirmed that he’s about to change that, and tackle something in the
Snyder Wants FORTNITE
Being a middle-aged father of two boys, I know more about Roblox and Fortnite than any man could ever hope to need. Along with YouTube and TikTok, these two games are almost completely responsible for the coming death of cinema as a pastime. The time-sapping attention sponges, funneled into their
Apple’s Most Watched Revealed
Apple TV+ continues its curious journey of probably, on balance, having better quality content than the competition, yet at the same time barely being talked about. At least, not in the way that Netflix, Prime and Disney+ seem to dominate the pop culture conversations when it comes to streaming. Yet
Prime Sizzle Reel Shows ROADHOUSE And More
Amazon MGM Studios is stretching its legs now the studio acquisition has been fully completed and MGM is integrated into its new home. A new trailer has been dropped, revealing the Prime Video 2024 slate of movies and TV shows coming to the streamer. The clip also offers first-look footage