Various incidents this month have seen the Marvel Television Netflix series like “Daredevil” and “Jessica Jones” being officially brought into the Marvel Cinematic Universe fold.

Until now, the brief appearances by Vincent D’Onofrio as Kingpin in “Hawkeye” and Charlie Cox’s Daredevil in both “She-Hulk” and “Spider-Man: No Way Home” have kept any continuity links to their prior series incarnations deliberately and frustratingly ambiguous.

That led to suggestions the Marvel Television shows were in an alternate universe, and seemed to be confirmed in the Fall with the release of the official MCU timeline book which basically doesn’t really acknowledge the various Netflix series.

Then came “Echo” which deliberately included links back to the “Daredevil” series events, and around the same time the Disney+ MCU timeline updated to include the Marvel Netflix shows.

Now, in an interview with THR, D’Onofrio confirms that part of the reason for the creative overhaul of “Daredevil: Born Again” partway through production is because Marvel came to a decision and decided not to play it ambiguous anymore – they’re going all in on the continuity with the Netflix series:

“During our restart of all the creative on ‘Daredevil: Born Again,’ all the creatives got together and said, ‘Look, this is how we’ve got to do it now’. So we are for sure only speaking about it in terms of being directly connected to the original ‘Daredevil,’ and that’s a great thing. It brings in a lot of cool stories and all the collateral story that happened in those original three seasons.”

The project has been taken over by new showrunner Dario Scardapane (“The Punisher”) and new directors Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead (“Loki,” “Moon Knight”), and D’Onofrio says he can’t wait to get to work with the latter two:

“I’m a huge fan of those guys, and I talk to them all the time now. I’m so happy that they’re doing this show. I’m just so happy about it. When I heard that, I was like, ‘OK, not only are we switching things up, but the bosses are doing the right thing for us.’ They’ve given us their hottest talent, and that’s pretty cool. So the first thing I did was thank them. I thanked Kevin [Feige] for doing that and sticking with Charlie and I. It’s a pretty amazing thing.”

Filming has seemingly begun again on the series but due to the creative reset and the strike interruption, it’s not clear how long production will now take, how many episodes are being produced or when we will see them.

This explains the recent reports of Elden Henson and Deborah Ann Woll’s return to the series as Foggy and Karen in the wake of the creative reset of the series – as the shows are being acknowledged now, it means the various supporting characters can return. That begs the question who else might come back?

The post “Daredevil” Overhaul Brings In Continuity appeared first on Dark Horizons.

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