Taken from Rio Bravo is a sequel to 2023 action-western Gunfight at Rio Bravo film led by Alexander Nevsky, who also took on the roles of director and producer. This is the third collaboration between director Joe Cornet and actor Alexander Nevsky. Taken from Rio Bravo is a blend of
The Den of Geek Weekly Quiz! Movie & TV Quizzes
On what US TV quiz show, in which contestants are given answers and respond in the form of questions, did Rosie Perez’s character Gloria appear on in Spike Lee movie White Men Can’t Jump? JeopardyWho Wants to be a Millionaire?Cash CabFamily Feud Which two future Marvel movie stars played Brian
Deep Blue Sea and the Lost Art of Wonderfully Bad Rap-Up Songs During the End Credits
The 25th anniversary of Deep Blue Sea is generally not seen as a significant cultural event. In the grand context of a world spinning wildly off its axis, finding time to remember that movie where scientists use shark brains to cure Alzheimer’s can be difficult. Yet Deep Blue Sea deserves
Cancel Culture Exists For Guy Ritchie
Guy Ritchie has been named as being in need of cancellation by a censorious mob. His crime? To tell a story based on a real World War II commando mission, carried out by men, attacking other men, during a war that was held 78 years before women were allowed to
Is There Too Much “Content”?
I’ve had no internet for the past few weeks and my neighbor let me leach off hers until mine is sorted. There’s so much stuff I’ve missed, so I put on Cobra Kai for a bit of Karate soap-opera action. As the first episode came on, it showed everyone from