DreamWorks Animation’s ten-episode animated horror series “Fright Krewe,” which was released four weeks ago, has been renewed for a second season at Hulu and Peacock. The second season is targeting a 2024 launch. Eli Roth and James Frey created the series in which an ancient prophecy and a Voodoo Queen
Quick News: Ghostbusters, Robocop, Out, Wonka
Ghostbusters: Afterlife The official Twitter account for the upcoming “Ghostbusters: Afterlife” sequel has posted a Halloween tease promising ‘something strange’ is coming soon. The video sees a full moon slowly turn into the Ghostbusters logo. The movie was originally slated for a Christmas release but was pushed to March 2024.
Netflix’s Sister Death Is More Than Just a Retread of Veronica
This article contains spoilers for Sister Death and Veronica. You probably remember those hyperbolic headlines about 2017’s Veronica, the so-called scariest movie on Netflix, the horror film so frightening users turned it off midway through. Six years on, the internet has had plenty of time to reevaluate this Spanish-language chiller.
Blu-ray Review: Mission: Impossible Dead Reckoning Part One
Sometimes it takes a while to have two forces meet. During the ’80s when teen films dominated the theater marquee, Tom Cruise became the most likable and bankable of his peers with Risky Business. Most people remember Esai Morales as the brother from La Bamba. But Bad Boys was the
“Five Nights at Freddy’s” Sets Peacock Record
Peacock has announced that the “Five Nights at Freddy’s “film has become the service’s most-watched film or series ever in its first five days on the platform. The film surpassed previous record-holders like “Halloween Ends,” “The Super Mario Bros. Movie” and “Bel-Air,” but a specific audience number was not cited.