Ralph Macchio and Jackie Chan, the stars of the 1984 original and the 2010 remake of “The Karate Kid” respectively, are set to reprise their popular characters for the new “The Karate Kid” film at Sony Pictures. Award-winning “I’m Not Okay with This” and “The End of the F—ing World”
‘Star Wars’: ‘Ahsoka’ Creator Dave Filoni Lands Huge Lucasfilm Promotion
Big changes are coming to a galaxy far, far away! Following the success of Ahsoka, Dave Filoni has been named Chief Creative Officer at Lucasfilm to help guide the Star Wars franchise. Dave Filoni has been a bonafide legend in the Star Wars community ever since his work on The
MWIII Sets New Engagement Record
So much for all the negative reviews. The P.R. update is below. Modern Warfare III players, This season, we are thankful for you. Thank You for a historic launch. Just two weeks in, MWIII has already set records with the highest engagement in the new Modern Warfare Trilogy!
Nicholas Hoult Casting Offers Chance to Finally Get the Modern Lex Luthor Right
Nicholas Hoult has finally landed a role in a major DC Comics superhero franchise… only it is not as the hero. After famously (and narrowly) missing out on the chance to star as Matt Reeves’ Batman and James Gunn’s Superman, the actor whose work is as varied as Nux in
NAPOLEON: A Great Humiliation of a Great Man
It’s easy to think that when you pair Ridley Scott with a historical figure like Napoleon Bonaparte that you would get a historical epic about how much of a military genius and influential world leader he was. Little did we expect that Scott was going to steer away from something