Prime Video has premiered the trailer for the Nicole Kidman-led six-episode limited series “Expats” which hails from “The Farewell” director Lulu Wang. Set against the vibrant and tumultuous tapestry of 2014 Hong Kong, Expats centers on three American women – Margaret (Kidman), Hilary (Sarayu Blue), and Mercy (Ji-young Yoo) –
“The Buccaneers” Scores Season 2 Renewal
Apple TV+ has renewed its wild historical drama “The Buccaneers” for a second season. Based on Edith Wharton’s unfinished final novel, the series centers on a group of fun-loving American girls who “explode” into tightly corseted and traditional London in the 1870s. They kick off an Anglo-American culture clash as
Trailer: Kristen Stewart’s “Love Lies Bleeding”
A24 has released the official trailer for its crime drama thriller “Love Lies Bleeding” starring Oscar nominee Kristen Stewart, Katy O’Brian (“The Mandalorian”) and Ed Harris. The film centers around a reclusive gym manager Lou (Stewart) who falls hard for Jackie (O’Brian), an ambitious and aspiring bodybuilder headed through town
Bassett, Stevens, Modine Set For “Zero Day”
Angela Bassett, Dan Stevens, Matthew Modine, Bill Camp and McKinley Belcher III have joined the cast of Netflix’s “Zero Day” six-episode limited series. In addition, Clark Gregg, Gaby Hoffmann, and Mark Ivanir will guest star in the series that sees Robert De Niro in the first lead TV role of
Teaser: Adam Sandler Is “Spaceman”
Netflix has released the first teaser trailer for its sci-fi drama “Spaceman” starring Adam Sandler. The film is currently slated to hit the service on March 1st next year. Six months into a solitary research mission to the edge of the solar system, an astronaut, Jakub (Sandler), realizes that the