Trailer: Nicole Kidman In “Expats” Series

Prime Video has premiered the trailer for the Nicole Kidman-led six-episode limited series “Expats” which hails from “The Farewell” director Lulu Wang. Set against the vibrant and tumultuous tapestry of 2014 Hong Kong, Expats centers on three American women – Margaret (Kidman), Hilary (Sarayu Blue), and Mercy (Ji-young Yoo) –

“The Buccaneers” Scores Season 2 Renewal

Apple TV+ has renewed its wild historical drama “The Buccaneers” for a second season. Based on Edith Wharton’s unfinished final novel, the series centers on a group of fun-loving American girls who “explode” into tightly corseted and traditional London in the 1870s. They kick off an Anglo-American culture clash as

Teaser: Adam Sandler Is “Spaceman”

Netflix has released the first teaser trailer for its sci-fi drama “Spaceman” starring Adam Sandler. The film is currently slated to hit the service on March 1st next year. Six months into a solitary research mission to the edge of the solar system, an astronaut, Jakub (Sandler), realizes that the