Rebel Moon might be being savaged by critics and audiences alike, but that doesn’t stop Zack Snyder from being everywhere right now. You can’t pick up a copy of Empire, log onto Variety, or browse The Hollywood Reporter without seeing his face. A master of self-promotion, perhaps? Even his very
Well, that’s Christmas for another twelve months. Now we are in the taint of the year – the bit in between – and nursing a biblical hangover so savage that even opening my eyes is painful, I suppose I’d better write something, anything. I will have to be quick, as
The One Where I Met Your Mother: Season Six, Episode Thirteen: “The One with Rachel’s Sister”/”Bad News”
The post The One Where I Met Your Mother: Season Six, Episode Thirteen: “The One with Rachel’s Sister”/”Bad News” appeared first on Battleship Pretension. Natalie and David read about motorcycles with Chandler in “The One with Rachel’s Sister” and read about bridges and water towers with Ted in “Bad News.”
15 Most Unfair Video Game Boss Fights Ever
The whole point of a boss battle in a video game is the challenge of the thing. What use is Double Dragon if Machine Gun Willy is just as easy to take down as Williams? You want things to escalate so that your later and final victories truly mean something.
Fargo Season 5 Episode 7 Explained: Who Is Linda?
This article contains spoilers for Fargo season 5 episode 7 “Linda.” FX’s Fargo is not shy about indulging one-off sojourns into the realm of the fantastical. The show’s second season featured a UFO deus ex machina while season 3 took time out for a trip to a celestial bowling alley