The post New to Home Video 5/7/24 appeared first on Battleship Pretension.
Check out our reviews of what’s new to home video 5/7/24:
On its most superficial level, David Redmon and Ashley Sabin‘s Kim’s Video is a kind of fan movie. In recounting the history and the strange story of the aftermath of the legendary New York City cult video store of the title, the directors attempt to recapture what the rental shop meant and felt like to its acolytes in its heyday by employing cute tricks like 1990s-style digital video chyrons. But, thankfully, the movie is more than just a nostalgia piece. Not only does it turn out to have a hell of a yarn to spin, it becomes a case study in the way that cinematic obsession can turn into artistic inspiration… Review
Also new to home video 5/7/24: She Is Conann
Battleship Pretension is a movie discussion podcast started in 2007 by Tyler Smith and David Bax. Since then, we’ve done live comedy shows, written reviews, commentaries and more.
Battleship Pretension is a film discussion show and a film review website founded by Tyler Smith and David Bax. Beginning in March 2007, Battleship Pretension the show (known to fans simply as “BP”) embodies the type of laidback, free-flowing conversations had by lovers of film around the world. Battleship Pretension the website is dedicated to being a destination for those seeking worthwhile opinions on current releases, be they foreign, independent, studio pictures, theatrical, home video releases, etc. From its meager beginnings in Los Angeles, Battleship Pretension has amassed a worldwide audience and readership. From Germany to Korea to Australia, people have tuned in to share in Tyler and David’s love of film. As Battleship Pretension’s following continues to grow, the purpose remains the same: Reach out to the international cinephile community, invite them to join in the discussion and perhaps even start one of their own.
The post New to Home Video 5/7/24 first appeared on Battleship Pretension.
The post New to Home Video 5/7/24 appeared first on Battleship Pretension.