The recent success of the animated revival of Marvel’s “X-Men ’97” has led to calls for similar treatment of other iconic 1990s cartoons. Arguably even more iconic than the original 1990s “X-Men: The Animated Series” was “Batman: The Animated Series” from the same era, a show that is getting something
The Sympathizer: Every Robert Downey Jr. Character Explained
This article contains spoilers for The Sympathizer through episode 3. With the HBO original limited series The Sympathizer, adapting the award-winning 2015 novel of the same name by Viet Thanh Nguyen, audiences get four Robert Downey, Jrs. for the price of one. The Academy Award-winning actor, who also executive produces
“Avengers” Directors On Superhero Fatigue
It seems everyone has weighed in on the superhero fatigue topic at some point or another in the past few years with various different takes on it. Some don’t believe it exists and puts it down to people just being tired of ‘bad movies’. Some think it’s there, but has
Monaghan Teases “TRON: Ares,” More “Jedi”
“Shameless” and “Gotham” star Cameron Monaghan has had some notable success of late. Along with being the star of the two “Star Wars Jedi” video games so far, he’s also set for a role in the third “TRON” film “TRON: Ares” which has been filming in Canada for a few
Xbox Games On PS5 Already A Success
Recently Microsoft Gaming made the jump to multiplatform, going beyond the Windows ecosystem with some of its (now former) Xbox exclusives games like “Hi-Fi Rush,” “Sea of Thieves” and “Grounded” making their way to PlayStation and Nintendo Switch starting in March. Announcing their quarterly earnings call on Thursday, CEO Satya