Over three years after she was fired by Lucasfilm from the “Star Wars” series “The Mandalorian,” actress Gina Carano has spoken about her dismissal from the series and the more recent lawsuit against Disney and Lucasfilm she has launched.

Carano starred in the first two seasons of the series as Rebel shock trooper and New Republic marshal Cara Dune. In early 2021 she made headlines for her comments on social media, culminating in a now infamous Instagram post.

Lucasfilm shortly after said it would sever ties with Carano, labelling her social media posts as “abhorrent and unacceptable”. The actress hasn’t been seen on the series since.

Giving a lengthy interview with The Hollywood Reporter, she spoke about her emotional reaction to the news:

“I just laid down and cried and cried. I curled into a fetal position. It’s not that I didn’t think that something like that could happen. It was that I couldn’t imagine they would put out this horrendous statement about me after working with me – the most powerful entertainment company in the world saying that about me.”

Carano has since sued Disney and Lucasfilm for discrimination and wrongful termination, and confirms Elon Musk is footing her legal bills, saying he is using his money to “fight massive injustice battles”. She also spoke about the consequences of her firing:

“You become unhirable, and then it becomes OK for other people to disrespect you. And then you’re just carrying around this disrespect, and you’re shouldering all this shame, and it affects your physicality, your mentality. You’re just kind of hopeless. So to be able to fight back – it makes me feel like, ‘OK. That feels good.’”

Carano doesn’t paint herself as some kind of saint, but also says the toughness of the situation has led to some personal growth on her part and she has no intention of letting it go to waste:

“You won’t find a perfect person in me, but you will find a person who was doing her absolute best under one of the most aggressive unnecessary cancellations in Hollywood history. This has been one of the toughest growth spurts of my life and I don’t plan on wasting what I have learned… I’m thinking about clearing my name. I’m thinking about finally being healthier and having this monkey off my back and telling my story and just getting on with my life. Finally.”

Carano most recently starred in the Robert Davi-directed comedy “My Son Hunter” and the Michael Polish-directed western “Terror on the Prairie”.

The post Gina Carano Talks Her “Mandalorian” Firing appeared first on Dark Horizons.

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