Following its successful run on the Fall film festival circuit, Netflix has premiered the teaser trailer for “Se7en,” “The Game,” and “Panic Room” director David Fincher’s newest film “The Killer”. The film is based on a graphic novel by Alexis Nolent and Luc Jacamon and follows a professional assassin (Michael
Ripout: Early Access Gameplay In Co-Op Mode
Here is a look at the game in Early Access played in Co-Op mode The post Ripout: Early Access Gameplay In Co-Op Mode first appeared on Skewed ‘n Reviewed.
Why The New PlayStation Portal Completely Misses The Handheld Gaming Mark
Source – CC0 Licence In the last handful of years, we’ve seen companies come out with mobile or handheld gaming devices. The Nintendo Switch is an obvious console to consider, but it has its flaws and limitations. Nintendo released this as a console that could switch between regular
SAMARITAN 2 In Development
Samaritan 2, the sequel to the 2022 superhero action movie, starring Sylvester Stallone (Rocky, Rambo, The Expendables, Tulsa King) is in development. Stallone will be returning as the producer of this new epic entry into the small screen of superhero dramas. He will also be reprising the titular role. Directed
Hello Outposters, I’ve just got back from seeing The Creator so this review is hotter than 1980’s Kim Basinger sitting on the surface of Venus and using Deep Heat for sunblock. As expected this film is visually stunning. Imagine if Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner had a three-way with Denis Villeneuve’s