With the second season of his animated superhero series “Invincible” hitting streamers shortly, “The Walking Dead” creator Robert Kirkman says work is still simultaneously ongoing on the live-action film adaptation of his famed comic. The comics and show follow Mark Grayson, a 17-year-old boy who begins to develop superpowers and
“Freddy’s” Sets $78 Million Box-Office Record
Universal Pictures and Blumhouse’s “Five Nights at Freddy’s” has broken records with its start at the domestic box office. The film adaptation of the video game series pulled in a massive $39.5 million on Friday, a number that includes $10.3 million in Thursday previews. As a result, estimates now stand
David Fincher Movies Ranked
As we all know, David Fincher’s The Killer is imminent and I’m excited, to say the least! So I thought now would be a good time to rank 11 of his 12 movies to date. The one I’ve left off is Manc because I haven’t seen it. If you have,
Five Nights at Freddy’s, SAG/Aftra News, Bioshock And More Skewedcast
Gareth, Justin, and Michael at Skewed and Reviewed look at timely and topical entertainment news on their latest show. 00:00 News and Reviews 03:49 SAG/AFTRA continuing discussion 14:55 Five Nights at Freddy’s 21:35 Bioshock news The post Five Nights at Freddy’s, SAG/Aftra News, Bioshock And More Skewedcast first appeared
New MAESTRO Trailer Looks Amazing
Netflix has released a new trailer for Bradley Cooper’s Maestro and I think we might have a genuine Oscars contender on our hands because it mostly looks incredible. Mostly. Maestro spans over 30 years, and chronicles Bernstein’s incredible life and career. What I like is how the cinematogrhy appears to