Back in 2017 the movie world was introduced to the Justice League, a film that brought together DC Comic’s most valued heroes, to fight the fight bigger than each could handle themselves. The build up to this film had a rocky start, seeing Zack Snyder direct the first two films
Scene of the Week: Emma Thompson/Joni Mitchell, Love Actually.
For this week’s SotW, I’ve decided to go with a Christmas-themed scene, as the biggest day of the year is fast approaching! Now, when it…
Scene of the Week: The Dark Knight Rises – Batman’s First Appearance
This week in our Scene of the Week feature, we again turn our attention to another impeccable Christopher Nolan-helmed moment, and it…
Scene of the Week: The Death of Albus Dumbledore
The title is a spoiler, and I do not apologise. If, somehow, you haven’t read the books or seen the films by now, then it’s fair game!…
Scene of the Week: Gladiator – “My Name Is Maximus Decimus Meridius”
Another week and another scene, with this week’s Scene of the Week being one many people will be familiar with, the unmasking of a…