When Disney purchased FOX there was concern about what the notoriously family-friendly company would do with R-Rated franchises such as “Alien” and “Predator”. Some feared that they would woke up the franchises and make them PG-13 offerings or sell them off to another studio.

I pointed out that Disney was no stranger to R-Rated content as they released several films under their Touchstone and Dimension divisions with an R-Rating including the original “Scream”.

A few years later it seems as if many of the concerns have been allayed as “Prey” was a successful entry into the Predator universe and there are currently two films set to release later this year in an animated and live-action format.

As for “Alien”; “Alien Romulus” has been a success and has even scored and Oscar nomination in the process. While some have had issues with fan service and other elements; it is generally considered the best offering in the franchise since “Aliens”.

With the Alien: Earth television series due later this summer and reports that the next film could begin production as early as this year; it seems to be clear that fans have lots to look forward to.

On the gaming side of things; fans can look forward to not only a once pipe dream sequel to Alien Isolation and a reportedly soon to be released Alien: Fireteam Elite 2 as well as reportedly more content for Alien: Rogue Incursion.

The book and comic side has been lively and while some bemoan the differences from how Dark Horse handled the franchise; the Marvel offerings have met with success.

My hope is that it is not too much too soon on the side of the movies as usually there was a gap of several years between films and having one follow potentially as early as 2026 does give some concern as does the potential continuity and timeline questions raised from the television series.

With an abundance of options in the works and who knows what else in the guise of unannounced offerings; it is a good time to be a fan of the Alien and Predator franchises as the properties do seem to be in good hands.

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