Valentine’s Day is for many a celebration of love but in the new movie “Heart Eyes” it is a day marked with terror and mayhem.
A killer know as “The Heart Eyes Killler” or “HEK” brutally dispatches couples on Valentine’s Day and since each year marks incidents in several cities; nobody knows where HEK will strike next.
Ally (Olivia Holt) fresh off a failed relationship finds her latest ad campaign a shambles and her ex flaunting his new lady all over social media.
When her boss tells her that a hotshot freelancer (Mason Gooding) has to work with her, Ally takes their business dinner at a fancy restaurant to be a come on; and angerly tells him off.
Unfortunately for Ally her Ex and his lady arrive forcing her to put on a show by kissing her co-worker.
This catches the attention of the HEK who relentlessly stalks them leaving a trail of. Carnage in their wake as the two desperately try to survive the night.
The movie has a surprising amount of intentional humor to go with the gore and horror. The movie is at times tounge in cheek. It has characters that are more interesting than the usual cannon fodder found in Horror films and helps make the film more engaging.
While the final act was a bit by the numbers for me; the mix of comedy and gore as well as the premise and cast made the movie a pleasant enough diversion and a nice surprise.
3.5 stars out of 5.