Following tonight’s series finale of “Yellowstone,” Paramount+ has released the teaser trailer for the second and final season of its spin-off series “1923” which returns February 23rd.

Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren are back for the prequel set during a time of various hardships including Prohibition, drought, and the early stages of the Great Depression.

The new season sees Spencer (Brandon Sklenar) embarking on an arduous journey home to Montana while Alexandra (Julia Schlaepfer) sets off on her own trans-Atlantic journey to find Spencer and reclaim their love.

Meanwhile, Jacob Dutton (Ford) warns about how the family’s way of life is under attack while his wife Cara (Mirren) readies her rifle for the fight.

Jerome Flynn, Darren Mann, Brian Geraghty, Aminah Nieves, Michelle Randolph, Sebastian Roché, Timothy Dalton and Jennifer Carpenter also star. Paramount Network is currently hosting a special linear airing of the first season ahead of the new run.

Co-creator Taylor Sheridan executive produces alongside David C. Glasser, John Linson, Art Linson, Ron Burkle, David Hutkin, Bob Yari, Ben Richardson, Michael Friedman and Keith Cox.

The post Teaser Trailer: “1923” Season 2 appeared first on Dark Horizons.

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