When Amazon acquired the noir-inspired animated series “Batman: Caped Crusader” from Max in March 2023, the show’s first season was in production and a second season was ordered at the time.
A year on and the 1940s-set show’s first season premiered on their Prime Video service in early August to very good reviews. So the question is when a second season will arrive.
One of the show’s executive producers is none other than “The Batman” filmmaker Matt Reeves who is currently out promoting that film’s live-action spin-off series “The Penguin” ahead of its HBO debut.
Speaking with Collider, Reeves was asked about progress on the show’s second season to which he responded:
“[W]e’re in the midst of animatics, and the episodes have all been written. We’re underway in terms of starting to realize the show. You begin with animatics and then it kind of flushes out in the whole [world]. So, it’s exciting. I mean, it’s where we’re deep into it.”
That would suggest the second season is probably not coming until well into next year at the earliest. Reeves indicated that while are no concrete dates yet, a 2025 debut is more likely than a 2026 one:
“I don’t actually know. I’m not sure. I don’t wanna give the wrong information because I’m not exactly sure what the trajectory [is], when it is. I would think it would be sooner. I think it would be 2025, not 2026. But I don’t actually have the answer to that.”
Reeves also says the possibility of a third season will be revealed soon: “The third season […] I think we should know in the next few weeks… We hope there’ll be a third, but we just don’t know yet.”
Reeves, Timm, J.J. Abrams, James Tucker and Ed Brubaker executive produce the series which stars the likes of Hamish Linklater, Christina Ricci, Toby Stephens, Jamie Chung, Minnie Driver, and Reid Scott. The first season is available now on Prime Video worldwide.
The post Reeves On “Batman: Caped Crusader” S2 Status appeared first on Dark Horizons.