Lanterns is described as an important and foundational part of the new DC Universe. It has already received a straight-to-series order. So how do you avoid the many traps of adapting a Green Lantern property for the screen?
The Ryan Reynold’s attempt simply couldn’t overcome the goofy central premise, meaning moments of great heroism were met with a stifled chuckle.
The answer appears to be to step as far away from that type of thing as possible. This makes the project now sound… intriguing.
This version will follow new recruit John Stewart and Lantern legend Hal Jordan, two of the Lantern corps of intergalactic peacekeepers, being drawn into a dark, earth-based mystery as they investigate a murder in the American heartland.
The series is set to be executive produced by Chris Mundy (True Detective: Night Country, Ozark), and Damon Lindelof. Tom King (Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow) writes with Lindelhof. There is clearly something a bit different cooking here. Episodic TV, a police procedural, with Lanterns?
A report on Nexus Point News says that the offer has gone out to Josh Brolin for the part of Hal Jordan. It is now known if the offer has been accepted yet.
We also know that the Guy Gardner version of the Green Lantern will appear in the upcoming Superman, played by James Gunn favorite Nathan Fillion. This suddenly feels more interesting than 90% of the other cape and tights stuff out there right now.
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