Back when “The Dark Knight Rises” was released in 2012, the film introduced a heroic cop played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt and who is ultimately revealed to be named Robin John Blake.

The movie ends with the implication the character would become Gotham City’s new Batman – picking up where a now-retired Bruce Wayne left off.

At the time, Gordon-Levitt dismissed talk that it was set up for something further and told MTV News: “I know a lot of people talk about the ending of that movie being a setup for a sequel, but I don’t think that’s necessarily what it is. It’s a great, perfect ending for that trilogy.”

Over a decade on, and with the Nolan-verse long in the past, Gordon-Levitt was once again asked if any spin-off or sequel plans were ever on the table. He tells Inverse:

“Nolan was making a trilogy. He never wanted to make any more movies. This was an ending to his trilogy. It’s funny, we look back on it now with the context of the Marvel Cinematic Universe – everything is a sequel to a sequel to a sequel. But back in those olden days, doing a trilogy was a lot, and that was how it was thought of.”

In the years since Gordon-Levitt has been rumored to be up for several roles over at Marvel Studios. Asked about those, he responded: “Yeah, people like to talk. I understand why it’s fun to talk about these kinds of things. I don’t really have anything to add to this. I’m sorry.”

The post Gordon-Levitt: Never Any Robin Spin-Off Plans appeared first on Dark Horizons.

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