Though they worked together on multiple features like “The Matrix” trilogy, “Speed Racer,” “Cloud Atlas” and “Jupiter Ascending,” it seems the Wachowskis are happier solo these days.

Last collaborating on Netflix’s “Sense8” series, the pair have since gone their separate ways – Lana Wachowski working on “The Matrix Resurrections” and Lilly Wachowski dealing with the comedy series “Work in Progress”.

Now Collider reports that the latter is making her own feature film with “Trash Mountain,” a comedy from comedian Caleb Hearon who co-wrote the script alongside Ruby Caster.

Hearon stars as a gay twentysomething Chicago man who has to return to his hometown in rural Missouri after the death of his father.

The father was an obsessive hoarder and so the man has to go through a house full of his parent’s belongings – some junk, some quite valuable – and potentially find some level of resolution.

“Jurassic World” filmmaker Colin Trevorrow will produce the project saying in a statement: “Caleb Hearon and Ruby Caster are true originals, and Lilly Wachowski is a living legend. I’m insanely lucky to call them collaborators and friends.”

The post Lilly Wachowski Sets “Trash Mountain” appeared first on Dark Horizons.

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