Konami used today’s Xbox showcase to unveil the gameplay trailer for their cross-platform “Metal Gear Solid 3” full remake which was first rumored back in 2021.

“Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater” follows Big Boss during the Cold War in the 1960s when he was known as Naked Snake. Though the fifth overall game published in the ‘Metal Gear’, chronologically it marks the first.

In the title, you’ll discover the origin story of iconic military operative Snake and begin to unravel the plot of the legendary Metal Gear series.

The original audio featuring David Hayter as the voice of Naked Snake is still intact in the remake, but the visuals and mechanics have had an overhaul.

The original arrived on PS2 back in 2004, was eventually ported to PS3/360 as part of the ‘Metal Gear Solid HD Collection’ and more recently re-released as part of “Metal Gear Solid Master Collection: Volume 1”. It is still considered one of the best titles in the series.

“Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater” is coming for PS5, Xbox Series X|S and PC.

The post “Metal Gear Solid 3” Remake Gameplay Trailer appeared first on Dark Horizons.

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