Currently out there earning rave reviews for her work in the Cannes-premiering horror film “The Substance,” actress Demi Moore was asked this week about the potential remake of one of her most famous works – the 1990 supernatural romance tale “Ghost”.

“Magic Mike” actor Channing Tatum revealed last year that he planned to remake the popular Oscar-winning classic which also starred Patrick Swayze and Whoopi Goldberg. At the time he indicated he wanted to play the Swayze role.

Swayze starred as a murdered banker who enlists the help of a New York City medium (Goldberg) to warn his girlfriend (Moore) of a looming threat to her life from his former friend and business partner (Tony Goldwyn).

Tatum told Vanity Fair: “We’re going to do something different” which includes shaking up the original film’s problematic stereotypes, saying: “I think it needs to change a little bit.”

Moore tells EW she has no issue with Tatum tackling the film:

“Look, every story in some ways has already been told. The wonderful thing is the different way things can be reinterpreted. I think there are some films that often are better left not touched, and left, and then sometimes there are wonderful surprises in that reinterpretation.”

Asked if Tatum has reached out to her since his production company Free Association acquired the remake rights, Moore says:

“No, he hasn’t… He’s super talented, I’d be curious to see what he decides to do.”

“Ghost” was a massive global success, grossing $506 million at the box office and winning two Oscars for script and Goldberg’s performance.

The post Demi Moore On Tatum’s “Ghost” Remake appeared first on Dark Horizons.

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