Activision announced that it will officially reveal this year’s “Call of Duty: Black Ops 6” release at 1pm US-ET on June 9th.

As expected, the title will be a part of the Xbox Games Showcase at that time, with a direct presentation focused entirely on the new ‘Duty’ title following immediately after.

On Wednesday, Activision released ‘The Truth Lies’ video teasers on YouTube which reveal armed vandals blindfolding the statues of Mount Rushmore.

Activision has similarly updated teaser website, which features an interactive TV and includes various vandalized monuments including the Washington Monument, Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate, the George IV statue in London and more.

The website is filled with video and images making excessive use of variations of words about lying and repetitively talking about ‘truth’.

This would tie in with the game’s setting which is reportedly taking place during the Gulf War and will deal with the shady activities of the CIA.

“Call of Duty: Black Ops 6” is expected to be released this Fall.

The post “Call of Duty: Black Ops 6” Reveal Set appeared first on Dark Horizons.

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