Terry Matalas, who took over as showrunner on the highly acclaimed final season of “Star Trek: Picard,” has landed a new gig.

Marvel Studios has reportedly set him as showrunner on “Vision,” its upcoming TV series which sees the return of the robot character played by Paul Bettany.

As a result a Vision with a ghost white appearance, and all its memories restored, is expected to appear.

Varietybroke the news, saying Bettany will return to the role which was last seen in 2021’s “WandaVision” series.

The new show is expected to take place after the events of that series with a major development overhaul revealed this week.

Matalas was brought onboard at Marvel Studios following that final run of “Picard”, with that season having “greatly impressed the studio.”

The post Picard’s Matalas To Run Marvel’s “Vision” Series appeared first on Dark Horizons.

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