Watching movies is getting harder and harder these days. Back in the day, you would see a trailer and feel, what’s that word… excited about seeing the up-and-coming movie. Today, you see a trailer and there’s usually something that spoils it. You roll your eyes and you lose interest before it was gained.
Usually, I can drag myself through a movie and finish it, no matter how bad it is. If I’ve started it, I’ll make it to the end. It’s very rare for me to turn something off because it’s so bad. Even with the love I have for 80s B-movies, I’m still happy to watch a modern equivalent as long as I’m entertained.
Not always, though. Here are some modern movies I have started, but I just couldn’t finish.
Night Swim
A good horror can be great fun but it’s so rare these days. Night Swim appeared on my watchlist and I dived in. The story is about a haunted swimming pool and it stars Wyatt Russell. I’m not a fan of Russell, I don’t find him to be a particularly good actor.
He plays a baseball player who’s injured his leg. Moving to a new house, with a pool, will help with his therapy to get better. The pool is haunted, someone dies, I think. I got about halfway through the movie before turning it off. I did plan on finishing it, but I just can’t be bothered, it was just too boring. A crime for any movie. The characters were so bland, I was eagerly waiting for them all to drown.
Lisa Frankenstein
I know, I know. This was always going to be crap from the outset, but I had heard some people say good things. Not finding anything else to watch, I put this on. It starts back in the Victorian era with Dr. Frankenstein and a hot assistant. Jump to the future, and some weird teenage girl likes to hang around the cemetery where the Doctor is buried. She’s an outcast and picked on, and blah, blah, blah.
The movie reminded me of Clueless, with some exceptions. For a start, Clueless is very well written, very well directed and the cast is annoying, but loveable all the same. The story kicks right in and you’re on board with what life is like for Cher and her friends.
In Lisa Frankenstein, it takes 30 minutes for the story to kick in and the cast of characters is just plain annoying. I gave it about that long before actively turning it off and I will never, ever finish it.
Arthur the King
This was the “true story” starring Mark Wahlberg. He is running in an extreme race and he meets a dog. It looked OK and I don’t mind movies based on true stories. Arthur the King, though, was dull as dishwater. In the opening act, Wahlberg screws over his team and shows he is arrogant. 3 years later, he’s still looking at a photo of that moment and moans about it to his wife.
The way he goes on about it, 3 years later, I was surprised she hadn’t shot him by now.
The rest of the movie is about him getting a new team, learning to be humble, and meeting a dog. I honestly didn’t see it going anywhere with the dog, it was boring. Overall I gave it about 20 minutes before turning it off. How Wahlberg gets work is beyond me, these days.
None of these movies will get any stars, as I couldn’t bring myself to finish them. I wasted some of my time on them so you don’t have to.
What movies have you failed to finish?
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