A few days ago we somewhat belatedly (I said I was sorry about that!) reported on the Gina Carano lawsuit. Well new info is coming in fast and furious (weird reference, that’s a Universal film) and it looks like the idea that she was targeted is starting to come to light.
Leslye Headland, the showrunner of the absolutely positively we really mean it soon to be released The Acolyte apparently was at the forefront of leading the charge of ruining Gina, complete with struggle sessions, backstabbing, and other evil plans that were afoot.
From there, “Carano went to donate to a GoFundMe page allegedly set up in support of the transgender community. When she opened the link, she read that the fund was supposedly created by a Lucasfilm creative and was directly targeting Carano, defaming her by accusing her of being a “bigoted” actress. Accordingly, Carano did not donate.”
The lawsuit then alleges “Carano brought this to Lucasfilm’s attention, who denied the GoFundMe account was established by any Lucasfilm employee. Shortly thereafter, the account was changed to call Carano “ignorant” and the identity of the organizer was changed to no longer identify a Lucasfilm employee.”
It then reveals that Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy wanted Carano to join a struggle session on ZOOM with her and 45 other employees “who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community.”
The purpose of this struggle session, according to the lawsuit, “was a ‘litmus test’” to determine if she had the “willingness to endure such harassment and humiliation.”
The group was described by her publicist as “a friendly group that WANT Gina to succeed.” However, multiple employees that were to take part in the struggle session had contributed to the GoFundMe campaign including Leslye Headland.
The lawsuit states, “several had contributed to the anti-Carano GoFundMe account, including filmmaker Leslye Headland, who was scheduled to produce a Star Wars production.”
So let’s go through this. Leslye Headland (who’s first name even spell check rejects) decided to surreptitiously set up a GoFundMe specifically designed to out Gina as some sort of alphabet-hater. Wonder where any of the money actually went? A question that may need to get answered. Be that as it may, this is Chinese-style struggle session BS.
We haven’t even gotten to discovery yet and this is already being brought to light. I cannot emphasize enough that winning the lawsuit is not the most pressing goal. The goal is going to be exposure. These tactics are going to continue to be exposed the longer this goes one. Musk has deep pockets and I think his basic mantra of “GO eff yourselves” tells me he doesn’t care about money as much as putting the screws to these evil sons of b*****s. I’m here for it.
Absolutely happening. We swear.
Meanwhile it also shows just how toxic Kathleen Kennedy’s environment really is. It’s not just a lack of creativity and the endless need to destroy every property we dearly love. It’s about hurting anyone who gets in her way. How ungrateful and bitter is this woman? She has a great career spanning decades, was handed the keys of the most valuable set of IPs probably every to exist, and proceeded to destroy it and hurt all those who made her so successful, from the creators to the audiences. This woman is crossing into evil. It’s no wonder she hires like-minded horrible souls.
The harassment campaign was in full effect in any case and allegedly (of which I am alleging) that Leslye probably directed it, if not KK herself”
Some folks noticed duplicates. That was an image i hacked together real quick last year.
I’ll post a full thread recap tied to the legal compliant this week. When I say this is “just a sample” I collected over 2k more during that 7-8 months she was being targeted. pic.twitter.com/YasAvTeMQT
— Dataracer (@Dataracer117) February 8, 2024
Oh by the way, Leslye Headland? She was formerly Harvey Weinstein’s assistant. Yeah, big time feminist and activist probably sent a lot of lambs to the slaughter, if you know what I mean. Of course this is still all “alleged” but given the creative output of these people, I see nothing they’ll be able to explain away convincingly.
We’ll keep you posted as more info develops.
The post Gina Carano Lawsuit Already More Entertaining Than Anything Lucasfilm Produces appeared first on Last Movie Outpost.