Filmmaker Christopher Nolan’s first few projects saw massive jumps in budget. His debut, “Following,” was made for a few thousand, which led to the indie breakthrough “Memento”, costing just under $10 million.

Then he jumped to studio filmmaking with the “Insomnia” remake in 2002 costing $46 million to make, before making the jump to a big budget with 2005’s “Batman Begins” costing $150 million.

Though he did slide back down to $40 million for “The Prestige,” he’s otherwise never looked back from that level of filmmaking with films like “Tenet,” “The Dark Knight,” “Inception,” etc. costing well over $100 million each.

In fact, he made headlines for bringing in “Oppenheimer” at $100 million, a cost-effective budget for a Nolan film. He tells Time this week, reiterating a stance he’s held for at least a decade, that he has no plans to give up the epic scale of his filmmaking because he knows it’s a finite resource:

“I’m drawn to working at a large scale because I know how fragile the opportunity to marshal those resources is, I know that there are so many filmmakers out there in the world who would give their eye teeth to have the resources I put together, and I feel I have the responsibility to use them in the most productive and interesting way.”

Nolan hasn’t announced his post-“Oppenheimer” film as yet but as part of the interview, he did cite his favourite recent films as being the opposite of those he makes – small, intimate low-budget dramas – “Past Lives” and “Aftersun”.

The post Don’t Expect Chris Nolan To Go Small-Scale appeared first on Dark Horizons.

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