Earlier in the year, filmmaker Zack Snyder confirmed that extended director’s cuts of both parts of his upcoming sci-fi epic “Rebel Moon” are on the way.

Whilst the theatrical cuts run around two hours and have landed PG-13 ratings, the extended versions will clock in at around 45-60 minutes longer and will be R-rated.

Even so, the PG-13 sounds pretty extreme, with the MPAA warning it contains “sequences of strong violence, sexual assault, bloody images, language, sexual material, and partial nudity.”

In a new interview with Collider, the filmmaker says the R-rated extended version of the film is actually ‘cleaner’ than the PG-13 version:

“I think that’s one thing that you’ll see in the director’s cut that is different from the PG-13 version is the irony of a super hard R-rated sci-fi movie at this scale is cleaner in the R-rated version. In the PG-13, we push. It’s a hard PG-13. We push them to the ragged edge.

I feel like the cool thing about the PG-13 version is you can watch it with the family, you considered it. Where the other version is much more like, you know…”

Snyder is adamant he really wanted to keep the movie close to two hours for the theatrical, with the second one being shorter than the first at just under that mark. The result was a theatrical version he dubs the “leanest line through the movie… only good shots, the best, cleanest line.”

As for when we’ll get to see the director’s cut? “The hope is for it to come out down the road.” He estimates both director’s cuts back to back will span a “six-hour sitting”.

The post Extended “Rebel Moon” Cut Is ‘Cleaner’ appeared first on Dark Horizons.

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