With the second season of his animated superhero series “Invincible” hitting streamers shortly, “The Walking Dead” creator Robert Kirkman says work is still simultaneously ongoing on the live-action film adaptation of his famed comic.

The comics and show follow Mark Grayson, a 17-year-old boy who begins to develop superpowers and begins to train to use his abilities under the guidance of his father Omni-Man.

The series adaptation has been a major critical success and drawn an astonishing voice cast including Steven Yeun in the lead role of Mark and J.K. Simmons as his father along with many stars in supporting roles.

The hope is a film would reach similar heights of acclaim and high-profile star wattage. As to where the film adaptation stands right now, Kirkman tells Variety:

“[It’s] still in the script development stage. I think once we get the script to where it needs to be, I think we’ll be in a good place, and can move fairly quickly after that.

But all of the factors that I just discussed are things that we’re thinking about: How does this feel new? How does this feel different? How is this going to feel like something that’s special? Those are very tall orders.

We also need to find a way to play off the animated series, but also differentiate ourselves and give the movie a reason for existing. There’s a lot of work that needs to be done. But we’re hopeful.”

The comments come as the series is alrady will into production of its third season whilst the second season is set to premiere on Friday, November 3rd on Prime Video.

The post Kirkman On Live-Action “Invincible” Status appeared first on Dark Horizons.

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