It’s not terribly often that a movie actually warrants a TV spinoff or retelling. Aside from franchises, sequels, trilogies, and the like, movies are generally made to tell a story from start to finish in a few hours or less. However, there are occasionally stories, characters, or premises that benefit
The Games That Defined the Sega Dreamcast
It’s been 25 years since the U.S. release of the Sega Dreamcast, and the console’s legacy remains a gaping wound that fans have filled with memories for nearly three decades. How could a console that is currently held in such high regard have failed so spectacularly in its time? The
Link Tank: Mark Hamill’s Impression of Star Wars Co-Star Harrison Ford Is Spot On
We’ve seen Mark Hamill’s Harrison Ford impression before, but honestly, it never gets old. “One of the most sublime impersonations of Harrison Ford isn’t from anyone on SNL rather his former Star Wars co-star Mark Hamill who can nail the gruff low bass of the Han Solo actor. Prior to
What Daenerys Targaryen Inherited From House of the Dragon’s Daemon and Rhaenyra
The following contains spoilers for both House of the Dragon season 2 and George R. R. Martin’s Fire & Blood House of the Dragon isn’t a show that’s particularly concerned with things like romance. Though marriage, children, and family lineage are important political tools for its various factions and families
HBO’s David Chase Documentary Sheds Light on The Sopranos Ending
This article contains spoilers for The Sopranos. The two-part HBO documentary Wise Guy: David Chase and The Sopranos contains a multitude of revelations about the classic mob drama and the visionary who created it. Chief among those revelations is that David Chase is secretly a certified yapper. Over the years,