Title: A Private Little War Airdate: 2/2/1968 Plot Summary A Private Little War follows Kirk, Spock, and McCoy investigating a planet Kirk had visited years ago. They find that weapons have been given to a tribe that could not have developed them so quickly on their own. Spock gets shot
More Hollywood Events Delayed By The Fires
The situation in Los Angeles remains fluid. When we discussed the fires last week, and their impact on the Oscar nominations, the recriminations were flying. If anything, that situation has only got worse. For the fires themselves, progress was made as the winds died down and additional help arrived from
Grande Into THE MATRIX?
Really? Really? Right now we have to file this one under “We Will Believe It When We See It”, but this is Hollywood, so there are no guarantees of sanity. Either way, this is a weird rumor. We already knew from just under a year ago that The Martian writer
Oscar Watcher: SING-SING
Mhatt returns once again with Oscar Watcher. He is doing the Lord’s work, watching his way through this year’s many awards contenders so you can decide to invest your time… or not… in a bit of high-brow movie entertainment. Last time he looked at Anora. This time – Sing-Sing. Sing-Sing
Movie Meme Monday
Sorry about the quiet last week, and the lack of Monday Movie Memes. It’s been an odd start to 2025 so far. We had a new look for the site, which is awesome. However, the prospect of a New Year of great movies is… well, weak. So far, there isn’t