“Oppenheimer” star Cillian Murphy has set his next film, titled “Steve,” at Netflix. Filming begins in the Spring.
The film is an adaptation of Max Porter’s novel “Shy” and will be the first film of Murphy’s new production company Big Things Films which teams him with longtime collaborator Alan Moloney.
A reimagining of the book, it traces a pivotal 24 hours in the life of Steve – a head teacher at a last-chance reform school who struggles to keep his students in line while also grappling with his spiralling mental health.
Moloney and Murphy are producers whilst Tim Mielants is directing and Porter wrote the screenplay.
Big Things will seek material in which Murphy will act, but not exclusively. Projects will range genre and format across film and television.
Murphy is readying to debut the film “Small Things Like These” as the opening night gala of the Berlin Film Festival next week. He both stars in and produces that film.
Source: Deadline
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