The “One Piece” anime is taking a break. with the series not broadcasting new episodes continuing the ongoing adaptation of the Egghead arc until next April.

The announcement followed the television broadcast screening of the “One Piece Film Red” anime on Sunday evening. The delay will allow the series to ‘recharge’ and “achieve even higher quality”.

To fill in the long gap, a ‘Special Edited’ version of the Fish-Man Island arc will begin on October 27th and will run across the entire hiatus.

This take compresses the arc down by well over a half – to just 21 episodes – and will include retouched art, detailing, color shading, lighting, and special effects to previously animated scenes and adding Dolby Atmos sound.

Before that comes the “One Piece Fan Letter Special” which will air on October 20th.

The second live-action season of Netflix’s “One Piece” is currently in production, while the “The One Piece” remake anime at Wit Studio for Netflix is still happening.

Source: Anime Corner

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