The fourth and final season of “The Umbrella Academy” only lifted its review embargo as the show was made available on Netflix yesterday.

As a result, it has taken time for the reviews to show up. Now that they have, the verdict going by the aggregate scores is that the show is ending with its worst season to date.

On Metacritic it stands at a 59/100 – behind the 61, 67 and 74 of the three prior seasons. A similar deal on Rotten Tomatoes where its 62% is well behind the 77%, 91% and 91% of the first three seasons respectively.

On the latter aggregator, the audience score is even worse with a dismal 19% – far behind the third season’s 55% and the 85%+ the first two seasons scored. Here’s a sampling of review quotes:

“After three amazing seasons, “The Umbrella Academy” has an enormous amount of goodwill from fans, but the show’s final season is just too short to do them justice.” – Cynthia Vinney,

“When The Umbrella Academy takes its last bow, sticking its big-hearted, appropriately bizarre landing despite every shaky spot that came before, you’d have to have the heart of Reginald Hargreeves not to cry.” – Valerie Ettenhofer, Inverse

“The raw emotion of the finale and spending time with these characters allows The Umbrella Academy to end on a mostly satisfying note. However, with a shortened final season, it feels like Netflix damaged what should be a cult classic for decades.” – Alan French, Fandomwire

“The Umbrella Academy ending now could be considered yet more evidence of the ongoing contraction superhero content is currently experiencing. It’s ending strong, though, with enough commitment to its characters to make its most memorable moments shine.” – Liz Shannon Miller, Consequence

“Bringing everything to a satisfying conclusion which answers long-standing questions that span the show’s entire lifetime, The Umbrella Academy, we’re pleased to say, goes out with a weird, wonderful bang” – Ali Shutler, The NME

“All of the old ingredients are here – government conspiracies, villains with big personalities, likable actors confidently behaving like they’re in two or three unrelated shows – but the energy levels are down.” – Gavia Baker-Whitelaw, TV Guide

“It’s hard to justify where it ends with where it’s been. And if we had it all to do over again, maybe we’d ask much earlier in the process, what’s the point of it all?” – Lauren Thoman, The Wrap

The fourth and final season is now available worldwide on Netflix.

The post “Umbrella Academy” Flubs The Landing appeared first on Dark Horizons.

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