Adult Swim has premiered the full trailer for the animated spin-off “Rick and Morty: The Anime” which will adapt themes and events of the main series.
The ten-episode anime follows Rick, Morty and the rest of the Smith family in a new intergalactic adventure and hails from visionary director Takashi Sano (“Lupin III”).
In the series, Rick relaxes in a pseudo-world between multiverses, Summer helps Space Beth fight the evil Galactic Federation, and Morty falls in love with a mysterious girl who happens to be an atemporal being.
The Japanese and English voice cast include Youhei Tadano/Joe Daniels as Rick Sanchez, Keisuke Chiba/Gabriel Regojo as Morty Smith, Takako Fuji/Patricia Duran as Beth Smith, Akiha Matsui/Donna Bella Litton as Summer Smith, and Manabu Muraji/Joe Daniels as Jerry Smith.
Studio Deen, Sola Entertainment, and Telecom Animation Film are producing the series. The English-language version will debut on Thursday, August 15th at midnight on Adult Swim.
The subtitled version in Japanese will follow on August 17th at midnight on Toonami. New episodes will stream on Max the day after their Adult Swim debut.
The post “Rick and Morty: The Anime” Series Trailer appeared first on Dark Horizons.