With “Star Wars” creator and filmmaker George Lucas in Cannes this past week to receive an honorary Palme d’Or, quotes and comments from him continue to pop up all over.

The 80-year-old filmmaker, speaking to a packed audience at the Debussy Theater, talked about the criticisms leveled at his “Star Wars” films – both the originals and the prequels as we previously reported.

However, he also made comments about the sequel trilogy and the other films made since his selling off of Lucasfilm to Disney for $4 billion in 2012. He indicates, via THR, that Disney didn’t use his existing ideas after he sold off the company and the corporate bosses don’t seem to quite get the property:

“I was the one who really knew what ‘Star Wars’ was…who actually knew this world, because there’s a lot to it. The force, for example, nobody understood the force. When they started other ones after I sold the company, a lot of the ideas that were in [the original] sort of got lost. But that’s the way it is. You give it up, you give it up.”

Lucas also talked his various revisions to the film over the years, using new technology to ‘improve’ the films:

“I’m a firm believer that the director, or the writer, or the filmmaker should have a right to have his movie be the way he wants it. We did release the original one on laserdisc and everybody got really mad, they said, ‘It looks terrible.’ And I said, ‘Yeah, I know it did’. That is what it looked like.”

The discussion comes as the new “Star Wars” TV series “The Acolyte” arrives on the Disney+ service in a little over a week. Early reactions to the series on social media hit yesterday and have been gushingly positive so far.

The post Lucas On “Star Wars” Revisions, Disney Sequels appeared first on Dark Horizons.

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