Ever since Charlton Heston climbed out of a little rocket ship in the toxic waters of the Forbidden Zone, science fiction has never been the same. The film in which he starred was based on a Pierre Boulle novel, but by the time it reached the big screen, it felt like an epic cinematic version of The Twilight Zone (and it had the Rod Serling writing credit to prove it).
The ending of the film is still one of the all-time great “twists” in cinema history, birthing the first modern science fiction franchise. And it’s never let up since. When Wes Ball’s latest installment in this upside down universe, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, hits big screens this coming weekend, the series will have seen nearly a dozen films released over the span of about 60 years. Some have been good, some have been bad, but almost none of them could ever be accused of being boring.
Nearly each installment in the Planet of the Apes franchise has been wildly different, with various writers and directors using the story of a planet overrun by simians as a metaphor to discuss everything from racism to the ramifications of scientific testing and abuse of animals. In other words, there turns out to be a lot of variety on that damned dirty planet of the apes. And we’re here to test if you’re up-to-date with it all.
In the below quiz, you’ll be asked to test your knowledge of all films bearing the Planet of the Apes moniker, and to find out whether you’re as wise as an orangutan or just a monkey’s uncle.
In the original Planet of the Apes movie, what monument lets Charlton Heston’s Taylor realize he’s been on Earth the whole time?
The Washington MonumentThe Statue of LibertyThe Eiffel TowerThe Quickstop Convenience Store
Which actor appeared in the most Planet of the Apes movies?
Roddy McDowallCharlton HestonKim HunterEdward G. Robinson
Who played Caesar in the 2010s Planet of the Apes trilogy?
Toby KebbellAndy SerkisJason ClarkeJohn Lithgow
Counting the upcoming Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, how many Planet of the Apes movies have there been in total?
What was Dr. Zira’s nickname for Taylor in the first Planet of the Apes?
KokoCorneliusCaesarBright Eyes
Put the original four Planet of the Apes sequels in order:
Beneath the Planet of the ApesEscape from the Planet of the ApesConquest of the Planet of the ApesBattle for the Planet of the Apes
Which returning Simpsons character stars in a Planet of the Apes musical?
Troy McClureKent BrockmanProfessor FrinkChief Wiggum
Which of these actors did NOT appear in Tim Burton’s 2001 Planet of the Apes?
Christopher WalkenTim RothHelena Bonham CarterPaul Giamatti
What wipes out humanity’s dominance of the planet in the recent Andy Serkis POTA trilogy?
Nuclear WarClimate ChangeA Meteor StrikeA Global Pandemic
Who does Taylor tell Lucius never to trust in the first Planet of the Apes?
The GovernmentHumanityAnybody Over 30Religious Leaders
Who did the underground mutants worship in Beneath the Planet of the Apes?
A Prized BaboonA Nuclear BombRemnants of the Christian GodCol. George Taylor, Their Resurrected Ancestor
Where does Caesar hide out between the events of Escape from the Planet of the Apes and Conquest of the Planet of the Apes?
The Statue of LibertyHollywoodThe CircusA Friendly Scientist’s Attic
What are Taylor’s first words upon regaining his voice in the original Planet of the Apes?
“You maniacs, you blew it up!””It’s a madhouse!””Me Tarzan, you Jane.”“Take your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty ape!”
The post Take Our Bananas Planet of the Apes Quiz! appeared first on Den of Geek.