“Spider-Man” star Tom Holland is set to play a lawyer, in a new adaptation of John Grisham’s 1997 novel “The Partner” at Universal Pictures. The story follows a well-liked, well-paid young partner in a thriving Mississippi law firm who stole $90 million from a wealthy client, fakes his own death
Trailer: Quaid, Thatcher In “Companion”
Warner Bros. Pictures has premiered the new trailer for “Companion,” a romantic thriller starring Sophie Thatcher (“Heretic”) and Jack Quaid (“The Boys”). Written and directed by Drew Hancock (“My Dead Ex,” “Suburgatory”), Thatcher plays an android named Iris who was made to be the girlfriend of Josh (Quaid). Iris recalls
Trailer: Jovovich, Bautista In “Lost Lands”
Vertical has premiered the trailer for “Resident Evil” and “Event Horizon” director Paul W. S. Anderson’s new film “In the Lost Lands”. Milla Jovovich and Dave Bautista lead the cast of the film which is an adaptation of “Game of Thrones” author George R. R. Martin’s short story of the
Trailer: Keoghan, Abbott In “Bring Them Down”
MUBI has released the trailer for the Ireland-shot thriller “Bring Them Down,” starring actors Barry Keoghan and Christopher Abbott. The story follows Michael (Abbott), the last son of a shepherding family, who lives with his ailing father Ray (Colm Meaney). Burdened by a terrible secret, Michael has isolated himself from
Link Tank: Exclusive A Real Bug’s Life Season 2 Clip
Tiny heroes, huge drama! A REAL BUG’S LIFE is back for a thrilling second season that’s bigger and bolder than ever. Inspired by the world of Disney and Pixar’s A Bug’s Life, the Disney+ original series from National Geographic takes us on another extraordinary adventure into the micro-bug world —