As Outposters, you already know everything there is to know about the back story behind Disney’s live-action Snow White adaption. We have written about it, as have others, endlessly. Well, now the movie is out, and things have become interesting.

The first results from theaters were not not great. Snow White made just $3.5 million in Thursday previews and projections had it coming in low at $45 to $55 million during its opening weekend.  That would place it below Disney’s Little Mermaid remake, which premiered in 2023 and made $95 million during opening weekend.

Disney’s 2019 Dumbo remake made $2.6 million in previews and profited a total of $45 million on opening weekend. However, Dumbo only required $170 million to make, while Snow White cost over $250 million, excluding marketing costs.

Snow White has also largely failed to impress critics, clocking in at only 44 percent on Rotten Tomatoes.

Even worse, social media has been teeming with pictures of empty movie theaters on traditionally busy days, or booking systems showing not a single seat sold.

To a casual observer, you can now quite clearly see the frantic efforts of a Disney PR machine churning away. It has also exposed those who have no choice but to toe the line. Take a simple Google search. Depending on your search terms you will see a clear schism between positive coverage from the likes of The Hollywood Reporter, Deadline and Variety, vs. negative coverage from non-industry focussed press.

It’s almost as is those who have a reliance on access to Disney and the varying parts of it’s expansive media machine know what they have to do in order to keep that access.

This has been further skewed by Disney deploying the tactic of stopping reporters from asking any questions at the Hollywood premiere and handpicking those who would see the film. So, instead, it got to lean heavily on social media reactions from those chosen among the online commentariat.

As we all know, the sheer excitement of being at some kind of special premiere, or screening media event, often overwhelms non-professional critics among the online mob who then leave their objectivity at the door and, when drowning in a sea of “pwesents”, make wild claims about the quality of the product.

These online comments were allowed to be revealed ahead of the review embargo being lifted. Seizing on these coments in the absence of any official reviews, outlets such as Variety effectively quoted them directly, referring to Snow White as a “visual feast” and “one of Disney’s best remakes in years”.

Disney then limited when reviews could be published, with an embargo being stamped on until the very last minute in the hopes that many cinemagoers would have already bought their tickets and would not be dissuaded by poor reviews.

So, in an effort to save their floundering film, Disney has been forced to reveal their PR toolkit to the world and, in the process, confirmed what Outposters have already known about Hollywood for a while.


The post Disney’s SNOW WHITE Salvage Attempts Expose Hollywood appeared first on Last Movie Outpost.

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