Here is a look at some Early Access Gameplay.
Doctor Who’s Blend of Laughter and Fear Has Always Been Its Strength
Tenth Doctor, Fourteenth Doctor, and Metacrisis Doctor Duplicate actor David Tennant does a podcast called, imaginatively, David Tennant Does a Podcast With…, and this week he picked up an extremely crowd-pleasing guest in the form of his old boss, Russell T Davies. If you were hoping for Frost/Nixon, you’d be
CONFESS Your Movie Quote Triggers
Sin is… well, a sin. Without strong moral leadership, sin is allowed to flourish, and then where would we be? Californioa, that’s where! And who wants to live like that? Luckily for you, our flock of Outposters, you have strong moral leadership in me, the most reverend Reverend. This guidance
Amazon Eyes Super-Producer For BOND?
Could Amazon turn this around? When the news broke that the super-mega-globo-corp was laying out over $1 billion to secure final creative control over 007 on the big screen, many fans feared the worst. Including us. In reality, Amazon has not “bought James Bond”. They already owned 50% of the
Blue Sunshine trips onto 4K UHD in April from Synapse Films
Blue Sunshine scared theater audiences with the fear that the generation that turned on in the ’60s with LSD could be ticking bombs ready to explode as homicidal maniacs. Quite a few people are losing their hair and turning into killers. What could be causing this condition? Turns out they