The post Monday Movie: The In-Laws, by David Bax appeared first on Battleship Pretension.

Every Monday, we’ll highlight a piece of writing from our vaults. This review of The In-Laws originally ran as part of our top 100 movies list.

Walking into the theater to see Arthur Hiller‘s The In-Laws, I didn’t think I was checking off my second blind spot in a row. I mean, I’d obviously heard of the movie and knew that it was well-liked (and, no, I didn’t see the 2003 remake). But, outside of shouts of “Serpentine!”, I’d never encountered many details. For all I knew, it was another Caddyshack, a movie that people a generation or two older than I am revere but which, frankly, stinks. But it turns out that this isn’t just some mismatched buddy crime caper flick. It’s the mismatched buddy crime caper flick. For pure laughs, I’d put it up against Blazing Saddles, a movie that people a generation or two older than I am revere and which, frankly, rules. The In-Laws is one of the funniest movies I’ve ever seen.

The post Monday Movie: The In-Laws, by David Bax first appeared on Battleship Pretension.

The post Monday Movie: The In-Laws, by David Bax appeared first on Battleship Pretension.

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