Look, we realise this is something of a standing joke. So many online outlets and commentators have reported, breathlessly, so many times in the past that Kathleen Kennedy is out at Lucasfilm.
They have parroted that their sources have told them she was on her way out the door so many times, that their credibility became comically reduced.
She was going.. any day now… any day… and then her contract was extended, or she would announce another Star Wars project.
Is it any different this time? Well, something might feel a little different. The story appeared, this time, first over at Puck News. Their track record is strong.
It then started to spread online, appearing at Geeks & Gamers among other outlets.
So what is the story?
According to the reports, Kennedy has told her friends that she will be stepping down at Lucasfilm by the end of the year.
More on this as it develops… or as it proves another false dawn.
The post Kennedy Finally Leaving Lucasfilm? appeared first on Last Movie Outpost.