The big movie news about the new creative arrangements at the top of the James Bond franchise continues to dominate the trades. It is fair to say that nobody really saw this coming. Now online outlets are starting to run their own stories, citing “sources” to reveal more details.
One of these is Puck, who claims that there was no actor in the frame as a new Bond at any time and that while meet-and-greet sessions might have been held with various candidates and their representatives, these were purely speculative.
As a result, reports that Nosferatu star Aaron Taylor-Johnson was set for the role were, according to the outlet, completely false. Their report says there was no genuine movement behind any actor and that long-time producers Barbara Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson were “genuinely stumped” about where to go next with the franchise post-Daniel Craig.
Rege Jean-Page, Jack O’Connell, Josh O’Connor? All pure speculation with no grounding in reality. Tom Hardy, or Henry Cavill? Never more than just names on fan lists.
Personal opinion here as a long-time Bond fan… IT IS NOT HARD!
The Daniel Craig era is already set as, basically, a multiverse version of Bond. A side-universe with a set beginning (Casino Royale) and an end (No Time To Die). You simply carry on back in the “main” universe with a new actor, a new M, Q, Moneypenny, and so on.
Trust in the formula, revel in it, enjoy the loose and almost mon-existent continuity and the licence to operate it gives you. The pre-title sequence shows some bad dudes doing bad things involving a big stunt that introduces the new Bond. Mission briefing in M’s office, Q lab scene, and off we go as if nothing has happened and we have never been away.
Tone-wise, so it isn’t too jarring, look to Timothy Dalton for inspiration who managed to be hard-edged and Fleming-esque while still having some fun like barefoot waterskiing behind a seaplane and sledding a cello case across an international border.
Speaking of Dalton, he was asked what he thought of the news while he was out promoting the second season of Taylor Sheridan’s 1923 for Paramount+. In an interview with Radio Times he said:
“I was very, very surprised and shocked. Barbara is I think a fabulous woman and a wonderful producer, as was her father Cubby Broccoli, who I got on with very well and liked a lot. He was a very powerful and strong anchor for the project. Nothing went on that he didn’t want and it’s sad that he’s not with us anymore, that’s all I can say. He was well in charge of the show and that’s not so anymore.”
Dalton gave his wider thoughts on the 007 franchise in general:
“It’s a wonderful franchise. The movies have taken different courses over the years, but there is something very good about the original and I hope Amazon latch onto that and give us the kind of film that’s brought so much excitement and fun to so many people … anyway, good luck to them, I say. I do wish them all the very, very best. They’ll be doing their best to make a lot of money, so hopefully they will make good movies.”
Meanwhile, back at Amazon, Jeff Bezos has been getting in on the act. Said to be a massive Bond fan whose love of the franchise partially drove his interest in the MGM acquisition deal, he took to social media to ask fans who they wanted as the next 007. The answer was very clear with one winner way out in front.
The fans want Henry Cavill.
The post BOND Fallout Continues appeared first on Last Movie Outpost.