Welcome… to Jurassic Park! Again!

Just a few years after Jurassic World: Dominion flooded the planet with dinosaurs giant locusts, Paramount is sending us back to Isla Nublar, hopefully to recreate some of the magic of the original Steven Spielberg movie with Jurassic World: Rebirth.

It’s fitting then that the first trailer for Rebirth isn’t just shots of new heroes played by Scarlett Johansson and Mahershala Ali. The trailer is also filled with references to the original film, its sequels, and even the Michael Crichton novel that inspired it all.

By this point, most fans know the liberties that Spielberg and his screenwriter David Koepp, who shares a credit with Crichton and writes the screenplay for Rebirth, took with the novel. The book imagined the lawyer Donald Gennaro not as a selfish coward who died on the toilet but as a good man who sacrificed himself to save kids Lex and Tim. Conversely, the novel presented John Hammond not as Santa Claus masquerading as an entrepreneur, but as cruel man who cares more about the bottom line than he does his own grandkids.

Yet, fans of the book have long defended a standout sequence from the 1990 novel, one that didn’t make it on screen. In the book, Grant takes Lex and Tim to the control center via raft, a perilous journey complete with an attack by the T-Rex. Spielberg included the scene in their original script, but ultimately decided to cut it from the finished film, leaving fans to wonder what might have been.

Those fans eyes must have spread open like a dilophosaurus about to spit when they saw the Rebirth trailer. What do they see at the end of the trailer, but a scene of a boat surrounded by spinosauruses, trapping the humans for a mosasaurus attack.

No, the scene isn’t a 1:1 translation of the moment from the book, which took place on an attraction. But it has the same fundamentals that made the novel so scary, namely the threat of dinos from the deep.

Speaking of the spinosaurus, it’s back! And has brought its cousins!

The spinosaurus was the major addition to Jurassic Park III, a faster and more aggressive creature than the T-Rexes who ruled in Jurassic Park and The Lost World: Jurassic Park. Jurassic Park III director Joe Johnston took a page from the world of wrestling and had the spino take on the T-Rex early in the movie. After trouncing the former big bad, the spino established itself as the true king of the thunder lizards.

Although initially met with a mixed response Jurassic Park III has only grown in estimation. With its expanding fan base comes an increased appreciation for the spinosaurus, even after Jurassic World put the T-Rex back on type by having it defeat the mutant Indominus Rex. For spinosaurus supporters, T-Rex’s post-retirement win only built hype for their favorite dino.

Clearly, Jurassic World: Rebirth director Gareth Edwards falls into that camp, because the trailer is filled with spinos, including the aforementioned pack surrounding the boat for a terrible thunder team-up.

In between these major winks to previous entries, the Rebirth trailer also features more clever nods to the past. We’ve got shots of favorite locations, including the ravages of the T-Rex pen that shocked poor Tim and the welcome center, complete with banner that reads “When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth.” A mosasaurus jumps from the water at the end of the trailer, just as one did at the end of the first Jurassic World trailer. And, of course, we get a few strains of the perfect John Williams score from the first movie.

Lest these winks seem tedious, rest assured that the trailer gets playful with its references. The best example may be the way it recreates a favorite moment from the first film. In Jurassic Park, the first T-Rex attack climaxes with Ian Malcolm waving a flare to get the beast’s attention and draw him away from the jeep with the kids. In an amazing Spielberg profile shot, the camera pushes in on Alan Grant’s face as he barks, “Ian! Don’t move.” The Jurassic World: Rebirth scene echos that moment, this time with Ali’s character waving the flare and Johansson calling his name.

That playfulness bodes well for Rebirth, which includes a healthy dose of pulp adventure in between its callbacks. The trailer suggests that Rebirth might be the ideal type of sequel, one that acknowledges the past while pushing forward to new directions.

But if nostalgia isn’t all you want from a new Jurassic World movie, there’s at least one new element everyone will be talking about the new dino fans are calling the “D-Rex,” a new threat that, according to director Gareth Edwards in a new interview with Vanity Fair, is inspired by the T-Rex, the Rancor from Return of the Jedi, and the Xenomorph from the Alien movies. Have a look at the new lad below:

Looks cuddly, doesn’t it?

Jurassic Park: Rebirth roars into theaters on July 2, 2025.

The post Jurassic Word Rebirth Trailer Features Huge Callbacks to Jurassic Park 3 and the Novel appeared first on Den of Geek.

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