Title: A Piece of the Action Airdate: 12/22/1967 Plot Summary A Piece Of The Action starts with Kirk, McCoy, and Spock beaming down to Iotia, a planet of mimics that an exploratory vessel visited over 100 years ago and accidentally left a book about 1920s Mobs. The people decided to
5 Things We Want from Movies in 2025
It is 2025. Heaven help us. A year that not long ago sounded like science fiction—and well beyond even Stanley Kubrick’s musings for the world of tomorrow—has come. And with it is a film and television industry in a state of upheaval… or perhaps dawning opportunity. After spending the first
Reeves: THE BATMAN Could Be In The DCU
Will they, won’t they… even could they? There has been a lot of talk recently about The Batman universe potentially being the iteration of the Caped Crusader who actually appears in the new DCU. The success of The Penguin, and a new appreciation in some quarters for Reeves’ original movie,
Retro-Review: THE STUNT MAN (1980)
The Stunt Man came and went without a trace in 1980. It has since gone on to become a cult classic. Is The Stunt Man worthy of the attention? Let’s gird our wire harnesses and find out… The Stunt Man’s plot is thus: a fugitive stumbles onto a movie set
After all that fuss? Rumors have been flying around recently that Challengers and Queer director Luca Guadagnino was being lined up for a remake of American Psycho. This was picked up by the trades. Now the author of the original story, Brett Easton Ellis, has thrown this all into doubt.