Monday is back, but never fear Outposters, we have you covered with some new, hilarious Movie Memes. Yes, we have spent several minutes scouring the internet for memes to amuse, confuse and bemuse. I just bought a rhyming dictionary and it’s already paying off.
As we all head into another week, it’s never as bad as all that. They say you should get a shot of endorphins every day, I do that by looking down when I’m changing first thing in the morning. Never fails to make me laugh.
My favourite meme of the week is this one from Scrooged.
That’s a crossover we need to see, the ghost of Christmas past, present, and future, all taking on Peter Venkman. I wonder if someone could contact that Charlie Dickens guy and get him to write it, I mean, he wrote The Muppets Christmas Carol. I’m sure there is someone in Hollywood, right now, pitching that idea. Make a note of the date, because I came up with it first.
So, on with the rest of the memes for this Monday. Copy them, share them, and be popular. If you don’t know how to copy and paste them, draw them with a crayon.
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