Anyone But You (2023) Review

A SAFE “COMFORT FOOD” ROM-COM ENDEAVOR   With Hollywood studios investing money in big-budgeted tentpole features or in smaller scale artistic films (ones that are worthy of Oscar / award nominations), the subgenre of romantic comedies is left somewhere in the middle of those two extreme juggernaut film genres. Naturally,

Lin Talks Rough “Star Trek: Beyond” Prep

The Justin Lin-directed “Star Trek: Beyond,” the most recent of the “Star Trek” films to hit the big screen, marked the third of the Kelvin timeline films and one that’s fairly distinct from the J.J. Abrams-directed other two. Lin’s film certainly felt more like old-school “Star Trek” than the Abrams

Massive Movies We Completely Forgot

It’s all mega-franchises these days. It seems if you aren’t part of the Spider-Impossible-No Way To Dead Reckoning And The Wasp vs. Kong: Dawn Of Legacy cinematic universe these days, then you can pretty much forget making the big, big bucks. This wasn’t always the way. Sure, we had franchises