A SAFE “COMFORT FOOD” ROM-COM ENDEAVOR With Hollywood studios investing money in big-budgeted tentpole features or in smaller scale artistic films (ones that are worthy of Oscar / award nominations), the subgenre of romantic comedies is left somewhere in the middle of those two extreme juggernaut film genres. Naturally,
Nostalgia, Ready! Meet The New Gladiators 2024
Gladiators, ready! The legendary sports gameshow that sees members of the public take on super-strong “Gladiators” in a series of physical challenges is getting a revival on the BBC – what a time to be alive. The new Gladiators starts on BBC One on Saturday January 13 at 5.50 p.m.,
Verhoeven Talks “Total Recall,” “Robocop” Remakes
Dutch filmmaker Paul Verhoeven’s Hollywood works are known for their graphic violence and sexuality along with political and societal satire told with a quirky sense of humor. Verhoeven has also been out of Hollywood since 2000’s “Hollow Man,” with the films he’s made since like “Black Book,” “Elle” and “Benedetta”
Lin Talks Rough “Star Trek: Beyond” Prep
The Justin Lin-directed “Star Trek: Beyond,” the most recent of the “Star Trek” films to hit the big screen, marked the third of the Kelvin timeline films and one that’s fairly distinct from the J.J. Abrams-directed other two. Lin’s film certainly felt more like old-school “Star Trek” than the Abrams
Massive Movies We Completely Forgot
It’s all mega-franchises these days. It seems if you aren’t part of the Spider-Impossible-No Way To Dead Reckoning And The Wasp vs. Kong: Dawn Of Legacy cinematic universe these days, then you can pretty much forget making the big, big bucks. This wasn’t always the way. Sure, we had franchises