The beloved duo from the hit Disney+ series The Mandalorian are gearing up for an even bigger adventure that’s bound for movie theaters. Directed by Jon Favreau, who has been a driving force behind the series, The Mandalorian & Grogu is set to begin production in 2024. Alongside Favreau, key
Joe Manganiello Teases His Return As Deathstroke After The Snyder Cut
Could Joe Manganiello return as Deathstroke in James Gunn’s new DC Universe? The actor recently teased his return as the character following his role in the Snyder Cut! Seeing Joe Manganiello properly suit up as Deathstroke after half a decade was one of the most satisfying moments in the Snyder
James Gunn Reveals Whether A ‘Superman: Legacy’ Trailer Will Premiere in 2024
Superman: Legacy is one of the most anticipated movies of next year. However, director James Gunn tempers fans not to expect a trailer for the DC Universe project anytime soon. Fans have been begging for any scraps of Superman: Legacy news ever since James Gunn announced the project. While production
Critics Post New Echo Reactions Ahead of Marvel Debut
Let’s be honest: the MCU is in a tough place. Even excellent entries like Loki season two and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 have failed to make people forget about the abysmal Secret Invasion and imperfect movies Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania and The Marvels. Also, did you know
Steven Spielberg, David Fincher, and the Directors Who Almost Made Star Wars Movies
While the 2020s have been a verifiable graveyard for potential Star Wars films that never made it beyond the development stage, directors passing through without seeing their ideas come to fruition isn’t exactly a new phenomenon over at Lucasfilm. Even before Disney took the reins of the studio, the galaxy