In this wild apocalyptic musical, a wealthy family lives in a bunker following the end of the world. But their lives are thrown into uncertainty when a visitor appears. This is the unforgettable 1st trailer for The End. Two decades after the world ends, a wealthy family survives in a
How Marvel’s What If…? Season 3 Teases Thunderbolts and Captain America 4
This article contains spoilers for season 3 of Marvel’s What If…? The third and final season of Marvel’s What If…? is full of new and exciting peeks at worlds that exist outside of the MCU’s “Sacred Timeline.” From old Hollywood glamour to Russian buddy comedy hijinks to old West shootouts,
Jason Momoa Breaks Silence On Lobo Casting In ‘Supergirl: Woman Of Tomorrow’
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow‘s cast just got a little more radical! Jason Momoa breaks his silence on joining the DC Universe as Lobo. There may never be another casting announcement with the sheer amount of aura as Jason Momoa revealing he’ll be playing Lobo in Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow. The
Marvel Rumor Teases Daredevil’s ‘Avengers: Doomsday’ Role
Daredevil is finally meeting the wider MCU! An Avengers: Doomsday rumor has reportedly revealed the role the Man Without Fear will play in the crossover. Fans have been calling for Daredevil to appear in one of Marvel’s massive crossover events ever since Captain America: Civil War. Yet with the character
Harrison Ford Transforms Into Red Hulk In New ‘Captain America: Brave New World’ TV Spot
Harrison Ford is unstoppable! A new TV spot for Captain America: Brave New World gives fans a new look at President Ross’ transformation into Red Hulk. Despite the film coming out in just under a month and a half, promotion for Captain America: Brave New World has been rather sparse.