One of Marvel Studios’ big animated series in 2025 is “Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man,” a show that will deal with how Peter Parker gained his abilities and worked as a vigilante. Originally it seemed at though the project would serve as a prequel to Tom Holland’s work in the films,
“Blade Runner 2099” Wraps Production
Filming has reportedly wrapped on Amazon Studios and Alcon Entertainment’s sci-fi sequel series “Blade Runner 2099” after six months of production in Prague and Belfast. Michelle Yeoh and Hunter Schafer co-lead the series which has yet to set an official premiere date. Set in Los Angeles in 2099, Schafer plays
“Alice” Star Linda Lavin Has Died
Tony winner, renowned stage actress and veteran sitcom actress Linda Lavin has died. She was 87. A representative for Lavin confirmed to Variety that she died unexpectedly on Sunday due to complications from lung cancer that had been recently discovered. She remained active in TV and on stage up until
Fear In The Philippines: The Complete Blood Island Films hits 4K UHD in March 2025
The Philippines were a hot bed for exploitation filmmaking. International crews showed up wanting to take advantage of the jungle beauty of the islands. Eddie Romero and Gerry de León were local filmmakers who also made their own version of horror films for the world. The two directors teamed up with Hemisphere
Apple TV+ Goes Free For The Weekend
Apple TV+ has announced they’re ringing in the New Year with something interesting – the streaming service will be available for free to anyone and everyone on any device where Apple TV+ is available. All that’s required to access it will be a standard no-cost Apple ID account. The promotion